

Brewmeister is free and open source software and you are encouraged to report bugs, contribute features and bug fixes as well as translating the Brewmeister into your language.

Bug reports and feature requests

All bugs and feature requests should be reported at the GitHub issue tracker.

Code contributions

Common open source practices apply to the Brewmeister development too. First of all, all code contributions are reviewed and merged through a GitHub pull request. Please base your changes on a feature branched off of master and not master itself. Name it according to your intended changes, e.g. fix-bug-123 or add-magic-hops.

Within your code, you should follow PEP8 with one exception: the line length can be up to 100 characters per line instead of 80.


The easiest way to add or improve translations is to go to the Transifex project page and request a new language or start digging on the existing ones. This is the preferred way for translators, as the messages source file is uploaded when necessary.

You can also add and translate manually. First create a new language with make createpo, enter the targetted language code and edit the translation file in brew/translations/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po. Once finished, you can add and commit this file and issue a pull request on GitHub.

Arduino Brew Control Protocol

The Arduino Brew Control Protocol (short ABCP) is a simple, compact, stateless and command-based wire protocol for communicating with a Brewmeister-compatible Arduino.

The following specification assumes, the host to be the machine that communicates with the Arduino via a serial line interface.

Protocol sequence

Communication is always initiated by the host using a simple call-response sequence:

  1. Host sends command packet specifying either to read or to write data.
  2. Host sends device packet specifying which device is addressed.
  3. In case of a write command, the host sends the data.
  4. The Arduino answers with a status code and depending on the command, optional data.

Command packet

The command packet is sent by the host and consists of one header byte

Code Meaning
0xf0 Read data
0xf1 Write data

and one device byte.

Code Instrument Data type Meaning
0xf1 Temperature float Temperature in degree Celsius.
0xf2 Heat bool On or off.
0xf3 Stir bool On or off.

Data types

Data can – as of now – be sent and read as floats or boolean data types. A float is a four byte IEEE compliant float data type in x86-compatible little endian format. The boolean type is one byte, with 0 denoting false and 1 denoting true.



POST /api/recipe

Create a new recipe. The data must be encoded as a JSON data structure according to the JSON schema stored in data/recipe.schema.json.

PUT /api/recipe/(int: recipe_id)

Recipe data of (recipe_id).


GET /api/brews

List of brew IDs.

GET /api/brews/(int: brew_id)/temperature

Archived temperature data for (brew_id).

GET /api/brews/(int: brew_id)/label

Return a PDF called qr.pdf containing small QR codes for bottle caps.

GET /api/brews/(int: brew_id)/temperature

Get all recorded temperatures of the specified brew.

GET /api/brews/(int: brew_id)/label/prepare

Prepare a label asynchronously.

PUT /api/brews/(int: brew_id)/note

Update notes of brew.

GET /api/status

Status of the current brew.

Hardware access

PUT /api/reconnect

Try to reconnect again with the set controller.

GET /api/status/(str: device)

Get running status of device.

PUT /api/start/(str: device)

Start the device.

PUT /api/stop/(str: device)

Stop the device.